Rules & Regulations
The lake and common ground areas (including the woods, mowed areas, and “prairie”) may not be used to discard rubbish, clippings, soil, or other materials.
Do not throw rocks or debris into the lake.
Boating, swimming, and ice skating are not permitted – primarily for insurance liability purposes.
Fishing is allowed and encouraged. However, the lake is private property and its use is limited to:
Homeowners and their resident families.
An ancestor (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the homeowner(s).
A descendant (child, grandchild, etc) of the homeowner(s).
A sibling (brother or sister) of the homeowner(s).
Other persons while accompanied by a homeowner.
The fishing policy is “catch and release”. Any fish caught, must be released back into the water. Removing fish from the lake is considered stealing and anyone caught doing so will be prosecuted.
No motorized vehicles may enter the common grounds.
Cutting trees on the common ground is not permitted (except pruning to prevent interference with the use of your private property that adjoins the common ground).
Tree houses, blinds, and other construction projects are prohibited. (Most of our common ground is designated “flood plain” by an agency of the U.S. government which prohibits additions to or removal from the plain)
If you wish to plant flowers on the common ground or in the cul-de-sac islands, please contact the trustees for approval. Your efforts will likely be welcomed and the Trustees will put you in touch with the LOWR Beautification Committee.
Do Not feed or disturb any wild animals or birds (including their habitats and nests) that are on the Common Ground areas.
How to be a good Neighbor
Dog waste: Please pick it up and dispose of it properly. More info about the City of Chesterfield's Code labeled “Dogs, Cats, And Other Animals Creating A Nuisance” HERE.
Yards and Shrubbery: Please keep lawns and shrubbery cut and trimmed. It makes the neighborhood look so much nicer.
Trash around the Lake: Please clean up any trash you create when visiting the lake. If you see trash that has blown in, please pick it up if you can. This is our lake, and we are all responsible for keeping it clean.
Sweet Gum trees- Yes, we know they are a bother. Please, please collect and dispose of the prickly seed balls if they are near your house in the street. DO NOT push them down the gutters in the street.
Street Parking: If possible, please park your vehicle in your driveway rather than on the street. If you do need to park on the street, please be considerate of your neighbors and traffic by avoiding blind spots like curves, leaving enough space for large vehicles, and being mindful of driveways.
Speed limit: Throughout the subdivision, the speed limit is 25 mph. Please make sure you observe the speed limit and keep an eye out for kids playing.
Trashcan policy: The City of Chesterfield requires that Trash containers are stored out of site from the street and be placed for pick-up after 5:00 pm on the day before pickup and returned no later than 11:59 pm on the day of collection. You can find more details about the city's code HERE and pickup days HERE.
Wild Animals: Please be aware that there are owls, hawks, foxes, and Coyotes in the neighborhood, watch over your pets and children.